Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship is our responsibility to manage God’s property. Not just the physical property, but Christian stewardship also includes what we do on God's behalf in our use of time, skills, abilities, and passions.  Being a good steward in this world is one way of expressing our love for God and our gratitude to Him.

The Stewardship Ministry is also responsible for conducting Capital Campaigns.  The last capital campaign by St. Luke’s started in 2019 and had the goal of raising funds for building improvements. 


Monthly Mission Giving

A team reviews suggestions for mission support funding, that is recommended for council, etc. Speakers are invited each month, along with prayers offered.

It allows St. Luke’s to show God’s love and witness by identifying mission supports for council and congregational approval.

Offering Counters

The offering counter teams seek to accurately and confidentially organize, count and summarize the checks and cash. Prepare the deposit slip for the bank.  It is a way to serve as we take care of our tithes and offerings.